CSE reviews Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojna (PMKKKY), finds it a mixed bag of opportunities

NEW DELHI, September 23: Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) has analysed the Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojna (PMKKKY) in the context of the recently notified rules on the District Mineral Foundation (DMF). The analysis has been published in a CSE factsheet and is available here: http://www.greenclearancewatch.org/themes/phw/images/PM-Khanij-Kheshtra-...

Choked roads, polluted air and road injuries are but a few symptoms of the severe and crippling mobility crisis in Delhi. Polluted air snuffs out one life every hour. Studies carried out by the Central Pollution Control Board and National Chittaranjan Cancer Research Institute have shown that every third child in Delhi has impaired lungs.

Says it misleads policy action on emissions standards and technology roadmap for CNG and diesel buses in India


Says it misleads policy action on emissions standards and technology roadmap for CNG and diesel buses in India

Without a proper review of the actual findings of the study, misleading conclusions have been projected in the public domain to confuse policymakers and people

CSE has obtained the actual findings that are yet to be released and reviewed it to show how the same findings give an entirely a different message

  1. CSE believes it is regrettable that the Delhi government has prioritised taking back the space from the transport of the masses to give it to the polluting cars and SUVs in a city where every third child has impaired lungs.

CSE condemns Delhi government decision of scrapping BRT without strategy for integrated public transport systems

CSE believes it is regrettable that the Delhi government has prioritised taking back the space from the transport of the masses to give it to the polluting cars and SUVs in a city where every third child has impaired lungs.

Lutyens’ Delhi and hospitals are high risk zones, says latest CSE analysis

This is bad news for those suffering from asthma and respiratory problems. It is dangerous if ozone increases even for short duration

Rising NOx levels and volatile gases in the air, primarily from vehicles, form the recipe for ozone when exposed to intense sunlight and high temperature

Delhi government must fast-track pollution emergency action and effective priority measures to reduce the cocktail of gases that form ozone in the air

CSE welcomes food authorities’ initiative in testing processed food like Maggi

CSE’s earlier lab test on Maggi had revealed high salt content and empty calories

Says celebrity endorsement of such products, especially those targeted at children, should be curtailed

Access to energy is an important determinant of quality of life. Inequality of access to energy for cooking, lighting and livelihood purposes has engaged the attention of researchers, policy planners and activists in recent years. In 2005, India

The world is clearly slipping on its targets to reign in heat-trapping carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Action on cutting carbon dioxide emissions is not easy as the world has to re-invent growth as it knows it today to reduce emissions, and it has to share that growth between nations.
