As you do your morning walk in that so called ‘fresh air’, you are actually breathing in air which is thick and heavy with particulate pollution.

How the US-China deal has appropriated the carbon budget and left nothing for sustainable development of the rest of the world.

Note: CSE Factsheet

In 1987, the Montreal Protocol phased out the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), an ozone-depleting substance (ODS) used as coolants in refrigeration

Even though the appliance penetration of India is lower than the global standard, its energy consumption is high and will increase. Indian appliance ownership is where China was two decades ago.

Agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) is a broad category of emissions that has been used by the IPCC since 2006. It widely used in national greenhouse gas inventories and combines two previously distinct sectors: Land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF), and Agriculture.

There has been evidence since 1950 of changes in climate extremes. Observed changes in climate extremes reflect the influence of anthropogenic climate change in addition to natural climate variability, with changes in exposure and vulnerability influenced by both climatic and nonclimatic factors.

In 2013, the Netherlands Environmental Agency (NEA) jointly with the European Commission (EC) published a report on global carbon emissions. One

As per analysis of the Washington DC-based global research organisation World Resources Institute (WRI) for 2011, China, comprising almost 20 per cent of the world’s population, was the world’s leading emitter of carbon dioxide (CO2), with 28 percent emissions.

The negotiating platforms at Peru: Different bodies are mandated to negotiate for different elements under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
