Continuous emission monitoring systems (CEMS) is an important tool to improve compliance and enforcement of environmental regulation. Developed countries, such as Germany, Great Britain and USA, and developing countries, such as China and South Africa, have experienced the benefits of CEMS implementation.

Technologies to control particulate matter, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides emissions are mature. They are being used across the world for a range of coal quality and operating conditions. Many large-scale manufacturers, including BHEL, Mitsubishi and GE-Alstom, are supplying the technologies to meet the new standards.

This guidance framework has been developed for the Ministry of Environment and Forest and Climate Change, Ethiopia, that is the overarching apex body for management of air quality in Ethiopia.

The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) in 2014 highlighted the rampant use of antibiotics in the poultry sector and presence of antibiotic residues in chicken meat. Earlier,

In December 2015, the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEF&CC) announced tighter standards for coal-based thermal power plants. Centre for Science and

Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) believes that since Asian and African countries—which lack the ability to reduce risk or cope with climate risks— experience climate risks disproportionately, the importance of tools like agricultural insurance meant for sharing and transferring the risks are significant and therefore must receive greater

Scientific evidence has established that climate change is accelerating the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events like droughts, floods, unseasonal rainfall and extreme temperatures.

This is a rapid review of the current concerns around urban air pollution and public health challenges in Nigerian cities. It aims to identify the key policy gaps that need to be addressed while framing the policy guidance on national urban air quality management in Nigeria.

The Northeast region of the country has a total installed capacity of 3,550.02 mega-watts (MW) for electricity generation. Fossil fuels—gas, coal and diesel—capacity combined contributes to 57.6 per cent of the installed capacity.

Today, in India, we face both an environment as well as a development crisis. On the one hand we are still struggling with the problems of inequality, poverty and improving the human development indicators. On the other hand, environmental pollution and ecological destruction is now a runaway problem.
