The vision of the National Forestry Policy is: “Restore and maintain the country’s environmental integrity, increase and stabilize forest cover to at least 20% of the country’s geographical area, address the emerging challenges of climate change and sustainable flow of ecosystem services, and ensure food security and poverty alleviation by addre

The objective project Climate Resilient Participatory Afforestation and Reforestation Project is to improve the resilience of selected communities in the coastal and hilly areas of Bangladesh.

Development in Bangladesh is happening, and despite being one of the most densely populated countries in the world, prosperity is now a possible reality. As one of the top 20 achievers of the Millennium Development Goals, the past few decades have been vital for development in Bangladesh and future related actions will determine our success.

An Act to give effect to Bangladesh water policy for integrated management, development, utilization a protection of the water resources.

The Ship Breaking and Ship Recycling Rules-2011 herein after referred to as `Rule' has been formulated in pursurance of the Hon'ble High Court Division of Supreme Court, in writ petition No. 7260 of 2008 dated May 24, 2011 taking into consideration the directions contained in the order.

The deadline for achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is 2015--only 4 years ahead. Although much progress has been made, much more has yet to be made. The same is true also for Bangladesh. The report summarizes the current global status of the health-related MDGs.

Impacts of climate change are visible in Bangladesh in the form of temperature extremes, erratic rainfall, and increased number of floods, cyclones, droughts, and increasing prevalence of rough weather in the Bay.

The NBSAP is a national framework to conserving and sustainable use of biodiversity, and equitable sharing of benefits derived from it. The guiding principles for the document are mainly the principles of the CBD.

The objective of the IPM policy is to enable farmers to grow healthy crops in an increased manner and thereby increase their income on a sustainable basis while improving the environment and community health.

The Seeds Rules provides for the institution of the National Seeds Board, its function and tasks and all the related procedures dealing with: the registration of seed varieties; the Seeds Dealers; the classification of seeds and their sources; the procedures for certification and related fees; the contents of labels on seeds packages and contain
