This report on Canada forms part of a multi-country effort by the Global Subsidies Initiative (GSI) of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) to characterize and quantify government support for liquid biofuel production, distribution and consumption. An overview of ethanol and biodiesel, the main fuels evaluated in this report.

This paper was prepared as background to the workshop in SEA, held in Hanoi, Vietnam from January 19 to 21, 2009. The paper is intended to identify key development issues relating to land and water management in the less developed countries of the Himalayan and SEA regions, and how these are likely to be affected by long-term climate change.

The links between ecosystem approaches to health, natural resource management and poverty reduction are being identified as important and relevant across an increasing number of disciplines and institutions. However, specific implementation guidance is scant.

This volume is the result of a trade and climate change seminar held in Copenhagen in June 2008. Following the structure of that seminar, it explores six themes that link trade and investment to climate change, for each asking where trade policy might be of service to climate change objectives.

This report explores ways in which an integrated climate change-foreign policy approach might improve prospects for a more effective global climate change regime. Such a regime would cover actions to mitigate or adapt to climate change in the near and long term and be characterized by an international agreement that would see wide global participation following the 2012 expiration of the Kyoto Protocol. This is important because climate change is not just an environmental issue, being connected to fundamental social, economic and geopolitical issues.

Global Environmental Governance (GEG) is the sum of organizations, policy instruments, financing mechanisms, rules, procedures and norms that regulate the processes of global environmental protection. Since environmental issues entered the international agenda in the early 1970s, global environmental politics and policies have been developing rapidly.
