This report, co-produced with the Columbia Center for Sustainable Investment, looks to the near and medium terms, exploring what will happen to the local employment and procurement components of the shared-value paradigm—and, by extension, to the mining companies’ social licence to operate—if technological change radically alters the amount of m

This report argues that the WTO has committed to helping achieve sustainable development, and asks what the institution would look like it the members took that goal seriously. It surveys current practice and recommendations in areas as diverse as accession, dispute settlement, negotiations, trade and environment, trade and development and the process of self-assessment.

This paper focuses on the cross-cutting objective of advancing development goals throughout the Bali Action Plan in a sustainable way, making the case that there are strategic interests for developing countries in simultaneously addressing climate change and nationally-defined development priorities.

This report focuses on how foreign policy can help to further EU objectives on climate change and clean energy, looking specifically at how the EU can more effectively partner with large developing emitters in supporting a global transformation to cleaner energy systems over the first half of this century.

This volume is the result of a trade and climate change seminar held in Copenhagen in June 2008. Following the structure of that seminar, it explores six themes that link trade and investment to climate change, for each asking where trade policy might be of service to climate change objectives.

This report considers the implications of the Kyoto Protocol on competitiveness and addresses the WTO-compatibility of measures to offset competitive losses. From the outset the Kyoto Protocol and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change have had to contend with perceived tension between effective action to slow climate change and maintenance of competitiveness. This report explores the nature of the concerns over competitiveness, trying to dissect them in a meaningful way and assess the need for concern.