The long useful life of energy infrastructure and the infrastructure

This study assesses the long-term economic and environmental effects of introducing price caps and price floors in hypothetical climate change mitigation architecture, which aims to reduce global energy-related CO2 emissions by 50% by 2050.

Is the world facing a supply crunch due to geology or to inadequate investment? What type of post-Kyoto policy framework could stabilise greenhouse gases at low concentration levels?

The current debate over biofuels produced from food crops has pinned a lot of hope on

Since 2005, the European Union has created an emissions trading scheme (ETS)that caps GHG emissions of power generation, but also of industrial activities whose products, in some cases, are traded internationally. The primary aluminium sector in Europe, whose direct emissions are not capped, stands to lose profit

At Gleneagles, United Kingdom in 2005, the G8 leaders signed a communiqu

Solid waste disposal sites are not often seen as opportunities for energy solutions. The waste that is disposed in open dumps and landfills generates methane and other gases as it decomposes, causing concerns about explosions, odours, and, increasingly, about the contribution of methane to global climate change. However, the liability of landfill gas (LFG) can be turned into an asset.

Energy efficiency improvement is a basic, yet significant, way of addressing both energy security and environment concerns. There are various measures of industrial energy efficiency performance, with different purposes and applications. This paper explores different measures of energy efficiency performance: absolute energy consumption, energy intensity, diffusion of specific energy-saving technology and thermal efficiency. It discusses their advantages and disadvantages and their roles within policy frameworks.

This new edition of "Findings of Recent IEA Work' provides a sample of the Agency's activities since its 2005 Ministerial meeting. Each page focuses on a specific subject or project,including references to IEA work that will be of use to governments, academics, journalists and the wider public. This volume is not all-inclusive, but seeks to highlight IEA efforts to respond to the concerns of its member countries and identify ways to overcome the energy challenges face.

China and India, the world's fastest growing energy markets, are the special focus of the 2007 edition in the award-winning World Energy Outlook (WEO) series. How fast will demand in these dynamic economies rise? How will it be met? And what impact will their energy choices have on the rest of the world?
