India's targets of 175 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2022, and 40% generation capacity from non-fossil fuel sources by 2030 will require a rapid and dramatic increase in solar and wind capacity deployment and overcoming its associated economic, siting, and power system challenges.

China’s cement and steel industry accounts for approximately half of the world’s total cement and steel production. These two industries are two of the most energy-intensive and highest carbon dioxide (CO2)-emitting industries and two of the key industrial contributors to air pollution in China.

A new study estimates that $2.2 billion in benefits came from reduced greenhouse gas emissions and $5.2 billion from reductions in other air pollution for state renewable portfolio standard (RPS) policies operating in 2013.

It is a common belief that China’s CO2 emissions will continue to grow throughout this century and will dominate global emissions.

Electricity demand has consistently exceeded available supply in India. While the electricity deficit varies across states, nationally it was estimated to be of the order of 12% on peak and 11% for electricity during 2008-09.

This study of residential and transport sectoral energy use in India is part of a larger effort at LBNL to provide analysis of energy use patterns at the level of sub-sectors and end uses for all sectors. There are two motivations for this effort.

This study of residential and transport sectoral energy use in India is part of a larger effort at LBNL to provide analysis of energy use patterns at the level of sub-sectors and end uses for all sectors. There are two motivations for this effort.