Recent policy measures have contributed to macroeconomic stability. However, with significant risks stemming from both domestic and external fronts, the balance of risks is tilted towards downside. To sustain growth,

Rwanda's economy rebounded in the second half of 2017. The rebound, driven by improved exportperformance and revitalized agriculture, pushed annual growth to 6.1 percent and led to upwardrevisions of the growth projections for 2018 and 2019.

In Malawi, the impact of extreme weather events has significantly contributed to the recurrent crises of food insecurity. This analytical work was undertaken to assist the Government of Malawi to strengthen its efforts toward effectively responding to extreme weather-related events, especially El Niño and La Niña phenomena.

This paper develops a broad framework to conceptualize the multiple ways forests contribute to poverty reduction and inform interventions in forest landscapes.

The State and Trends of Carbon Pricing series reflects on the growing momentum for carbon pricing worldwide. It targets the wide audience of public and private stakeholders engaged in carbon pricing design and implementation.

The Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2018 is a visual guide to the trends, challenges and measurement issues related to each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

The Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2018 is a visual guide to the trends, challenges and measurement issues related to each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Throughout many countries in the world, the measurement of food security currently includes accounting for the importance of perception and anxiety about meeting basic food needs.

Fair Progress? Economic Mobility Across Generations Around the World looks at an issue that has gotten much attention in the developed world, but with, for the first time, new data and analysis covering most of the world, including developing economies.

The great disasters of the past – like the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD or the hurricane that devastated Santo Domingo in 1930 – can provide valuable lessons to help governments and institutions increase the resilience of communities in the face of modern challenges, such as climate change and rapid urbanization.
