The Delhi Master Plan 2021 should make it mandatory for each zone to have a designated area for waste disposal, said Sunita Narain, Director-General of the Centre for Science and Environment on Monday

Ms. Narain said: “The new Master Plan needs to have an environment service zone so that no zonal plan can be passed on disposal of liquid or solid waste without its approval.”

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Legal Aid, National Green Tribunal Bar Association Vs. NCT of Delhi & Ors. dated 19/12/2013 regarding falling of underground water levels in the NCT of Delhi due to unauthorized extraction of water through the tubewells.

Original Source:

Non-government organisation Greenpeace India on Tuesday submitted its ‘objections and suggestions’ to the Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC) in response to its net metering and rooftop

MoEF has promised NGT that it will finalise the action plan for “restoration and preservation” and management of all works along the river Yamuna by February 17, 2014. Read text of NGT order dated 18 Dec 2013.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Sh. Nagender Deswal Vs. Chief Secretary & Ors. dated 18/12/2013 regarding the business of dealing with old and unusable vehicles, railway materials and other such
machinery and its dismantling and whether people dealing with it have any permission/consent under the relevant laws or authorization for carrying on such activities.

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The smog and haze that set in Delhi on Monday will continue for the next three days, Pune-based scientists with the System of Air Quality Forecasting and Research (SAFAR) have said.

साउथ दिल्ली नगर निगम (एसडीएमसी) ने नैशनल ग्रीन ट्रिब्यूनल (एनजीटी) के सामने माना कि राजधानी में स्टॉर्म वाटर ड्रेन्स (नाले) को ढंकने या लाइनिंग से पहले कोई पर्यावरणीय मंजूरी (एनवायरमेंटल क्लीयरेंस)

Scientists from Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi working on city's drainage master plan don't think it's a good idea to cover storm water drains.

While there may not be any harm in covering drains carrying only storm water, most of Delhi's storm water drains carry sewage water that emanates noxious gases and can cause severe groundwater pollution if trapped. A team from IIT is studying the impact of covering drains along with other aspects of the drainage system.

Read text of the National Green Tribunal order in the matter of Amit Kumar V/s. Union of India & Ors. dated 16/12/2013 regarding fixing the limits of Eco-Sensitive Area in respect of Okhla Bird Sanctuary.

Read text of the National Green Tribunal order in the matter of Manoj Kumar Misra & Anr. Vs. Union of India & Ors. dated 16/12/2013 regarding lining and covering of drainages by South Delhi Municipal Corporation.
