No agency checks rainwater harvest

New Delhi: In June last year, then chief minister Sheila Dikshit had admitted that the rainwater harvesting scheme, launched amid much fanfare, had been a failure. Almost a year and a half down the line, there is complete lack of clarity about the agency responsible for monitoring of the scheme.

Judgement of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Satish Kumar Vs Union of India & Others dated 12/12/2013 regarding environmental pollution caused by burning of plastic, leather, rubber, motor engine oil and such other waste materials and continuous operation of illegal industrial units dealing with such articles on agricultural lands in village Mundka, New Delhi.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Vikas Vs. DMRC & Ors. dated 11/12/2013. The order says that "permission was granted to the Project Proponent (DMRC) to fell 491 trees and transplant 7 trees on condition to plant 4980 trees as against the trees to be cut and the DMRC has already deposited Rs. 1,61,05,320/- with the Department of Forest in compliance of the permission granted".

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The National Green Tribunal Tuesday directed the forest department of Delhi government to give an exact count of trees on the Vikaspuri to Janakpuri stretch here on outer ring road where an elevate

The Environment ministry said it has approved the phase III of Yamuna Action Plan (YAP) for Delhi besides sanctioning two projects of pollution abatement for the river in Sonepat and Panipat in Har

The Environment ministry said it has approved the phase III of Yamuna Action Plan (YAP) for Delhi besides sanctioning two projects of pollution abatement for the river in Sonepat and Panipat in Har

नैशनल ग्रीन ट्रिब्यूनल (एनजीटी) ने दिल्ली पल्यूशन कंट्रोल कमिटी (डीपीसीसी) की वह दलील खारिज कर दी जिसमें उसने यह कहते हुए 18 यूनिटों में रेन वॉटर हार्वेस्टिंग सिस्टम लगे होने की जांच करने में असमर्

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Dr. P.C. Prasad & Ors. Vs. Govt. Of NCT of Delhi & Ors. dated 09/12/2013 regarding cutting of trees for the project involving the construction of a network of eight flyovers and elevated roads to make the drive from Vikaspuri to Wazirabad on the Outer Ring Road signal-free.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Vikrant Kumar Tongad Vs. Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. dated 09/12/2013. This matter relates to rain water harvesting systems being entirely non-functional in various parts of Delhi as well as obligations on all the public authorities and Corporations to ensure installations of rain water harvesting mechanism in the residential as well as industrial and commercial places.

The Yamuna, which flows through the city of Delhi and provides drinking water to millions of its inhabitants, has been given the short shrift by four main contending political parties — the Congres
