Beijingers have taken part in various voluntary tree planting activities and planted over 200 million trees over the past 40 years, local authorities said Tuesday.

Lilongwe — A local nongovernmental organization called Kalolo Youth Corner (KYC) will plant 5000 trees in the area of Senior Chief Kalolo in Lilongwe districts with the aim of conserving the enviro

Ludhiana: Lines from Guru Granth Sahib ‘Pavan guru paani pita, maata dhart mahat’ (Air is our teacher, Water our father, and the Earth our mother ) was the message given to the visitors who attende

A parliamentary panel expressed concern on Tuesday over forest degradation in the country, especially in the north-eastern states, and urged the environment ministry to take stringent steps to curb

The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science and Technology, Environment and Forests has urged the environment ministry to take stringent steps to curb the illegal felling of trees. No action plans was prepared by the ministry to control illegal cutting of trees.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on Plan for environmental protection and afforestation, 11/02/2019. The State/UTs-wise details of funds released and utilised under Compensatory Afforestation Funds ,Green India Mission and National Afforestation Programme for the last three years and current year are given in Annexure-I, II and III respectively.

Two dream schemes of the state government that were launched with much fanfare during Haryana’s golden jubilee year two years ago to save the environment are stuck between two departments for imple

NAGPUR: In a bid to boost 33 crore plantations under the ‘Green Maharashtra Mission’ in 2019, the state government has decided to implement the ‘Miyawaki Dense Forest Project’ which will be modelle

The Japan International Cooperation Agency has staged a project in the southwest Iran to establish forests and resuscitate pastures around Karun, the only navigable river in Iran.

The study, published in the journal Atmospheric Environment, used six roadside locations in the UK, as test sites where the green infrastructure was between one to two metres away from the road.
