By 2033, India’s demand for food grains is predicted to increase to 333 million tons (GoI, 2018), and new challenges stand in the way of meeting that demand.

State Governments and Union Territories report data related to consumption of pesticides to Central Government. As per the provided data, the trend of consumption of chemical pesticides has varied from year to year and State to State.

Global food demand is expected to increase by somewhere between 59% and 98% by 2050 as the world population reaches an estimated 9.7 billion. Food production is especially critical in Africa, where over 70% of the population rely on agriculture for their livelihoods.

The Haryana Agricultural Produce Markets (Amendment) Bill, 2020, is published for general information under proviso to Rule 128 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Haryana Legislative Assembly.

This book documents frontier knowledge on the drivers of agriculture productivity to derive pragmatic policy advice for governments and development partners on reducing poverty and boosting shared prosperity.

This book documents frontier knowledge on the drivers of agriculture productivity to derive pragmatic policy advice for governments and development partners on reducing poverty and boosting shared prosperity.

The Africa Agriculture Status Report of 2019 by AGRA highlights the trends and progress, as well as challenges and constraints of private sector firms in the upstream and midstream/downstream off-farm components of the agri-food system.

In Zambia, where agriculture accounts for 35% of the country’s GDP, farming is a way of life. One agri-tech company is bringing the future to Zambian farms.

Climate change affects various stages of the food system including production, processing, distribution, and consumption. To cope with this vulnerability, many nations have engaged in a global movement to establish strategies aimed at food security.

This first report by the FABLE Consortium presents preliminary pathways towards sustainable land-use and food systems prepared by the 18 country teams from developed and developing countries, including the European Union.
