China took last place in an aid transparency index listing 68 donors released on Wednesday, which said the majority of the world's donors were not sharing enough information about their activities.

The heaviest rainfall in living memory caused rivers to burst their banks and sweep away roads, bridges and homes, causing damage estimated at 1.5 billion euros ($1.88 billion).

The majority of the world's rich donor nations failed to meet their development aid pledges in 2013 and only one third of the money went to the poorest countries, a report said on Monday.

In an open letter published in The Lancet, leading health experts urge European governments to 'mobilise all possible resources’ to assist West Africans in controlling the Ebola epidemic. The letter is signed by 44 prominent academics, clinicians, and health professionals from 15 European countries. They call for European countries to take specific measures, including allowing health professionals to volunteer for temporary leave to assist with the crisis, and incentivising private companies to reverse travel restrictions to affected regions.

As world leaders meet in New York for yet another climate change summit, concerns over wild weather patterns disrupting food supplies are increasingly finding their way to the table.

India has provided Rs 44.48 million for building a five-kilometer blacktopped road in Sarlahi district.

The U.K.

The government approved on Sunday an additional budget of NIS 42 million for environmental improvements in Beduin communities, to supplement the existing NIS 40m.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Monday pledged loans and other economic aid worth $5.9 billion to Bangladesh over the next five years.

Aid groups on Sunday rushed to help survivors of a landslide in northern Afghanistan that entombed a village, killing hundreds of people and leaving 700 families homeless in the mountains.
