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The year 1998 saw a record production of wind energy

NASA s latest project will unearth the secrets of the Red Planet

The computer makes brain surgery a lot easier

A new draft of the Union for Protection of New Plants Varieties protects the rights of the farmers

The Chinese government is taking steps to accelerate the development and use of electric and alternative fuel vehicles. Vice-minister for science and technology Deng Nan said initial

The biggest icy continent was rocked by a huge volcanic eruption

If you want a widescreen television but do not have enough room or money to squeeze a large set into your living room, Sony has an answer. Its new Glasstron goggles use a virtual reality headset

speeding trains through forests continue to be the cause of animal deaths in Dudhwa Tiger Reserve in Uttar Pradesh. The reserve is home to as many as 75 tigers and a variety of flora and

Air, water and soil: all have varying amounts of toxic heavy metals. Gradually, they are entering the human body through the food chain. Down To Earth reports on the extent of the problem in India

Heavy metals are in the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink
