Asian companies have been poor at dealing with the risks of such growth -- greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, water scarcity and more says the FAIRR Protein Producer Index 2019 released today. These are Asian meat, fish and dairy producers with a combined market capitalization of $190 billion. They represent 26% of the Asian protein market.

Agriculture and allied sectors (i.e. crops, livestock, forestry and logging, fishing and aquaculture) play a vital role in Indian economy. It contributes around 18% of the country's Gross Value Added at basic prices and employs nearly half of the workforce.

Wider, appropriate and long-term application of genetic improvement in aquaculture, with a focus on selective breeding, will help boost food production to meet a projected increase in demand for fish and fish products with relatively little extra feed, land, water and other inputs, according to a new FAO report.

Climate-smart aquaculture (CSAq) is considered an appropriate and effective adaptation approach for the coastal aquaculture sector under the climate change phenomenon. This study, applying probit model, aims to assess the influence of several factors on the farmers’ decision to apply CSAq practices in extensive coastal shrimp farming.

This update to the Global Mercury Assessment 2013 provides the most recent information available for the worldwide emissions to air, releases to water, and transport of mercury in atmospheric and aquatic environments.

Tablets India Limited, (TIL Biosciences) has introduced three probiotic products; Ecotoxnil, Rhodomax, and MFA (Multifunctional Feed Attractant) to help solve disease challenges affecting fish farm

The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare has released the draft National Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy. Aquaculture (or aquafarming) refers to the farming of fish, algae and other aquatic organisms, and aquatic plants.

This Report of the Standing Committee on Agriculture deals with the action taken by the Government on the Observations/Recommendations contained in the Fifty-third Report (Sixteenth Lok Sabha) of the Standing Committee on Agriculture (2017-2018) on the Subject "Scheme on Development of Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture- An Analysis" of the Minist

This report presents the lessons learned from a project in four East African countries – Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda – focusing on youth and their agribusinesses. In Burundi and Rwanda, poultry and eggs were sold to retailers but were also provided to schools to alleviate malnutrition.

In the course of analysis and preparation of estimates of income originating from agriculture in the Central Statistical Office, a large body of data has been generated over the years which will be useful to research workers, government departments and other agencies. It has not been possible to include all these details in the National Accounts Statistics. A need has been felt for a publication which gives a long time series of data on gross value of output both at current and constant prices in one place.
