Interim report by the District Magistrate, Surat on unauthorised/illegal shrimp farms and salt pans located in the flood plains of Kim and Sena river/creek and Tena village, taluka Olpad, Surat district, Gujarat dated 19/10/2020. Original Application No. 16/2020 (Western Zonal Bench) in the matter of Brackish Water Research Centre Vs Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change & Others.

Agriculture and allied sectors (i.e. crops, livestock, forestry and logging, fishing and aquaculture) play a vital role in Indian economy. It contributes around 18% of the country's Gross Value Added at basic prices and employs nearly half of the workforce.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Roshni B. Patel Vs Union of India & Others dated 22/09/2020.

The matter related commercial illegal coastal shrimp farms on the floodplains and within the CRZ areas along the Tapi and Mindhola river and in village Damka, Rajgiri, Junagam, Aabhva, Dumas, Khajod, Budiya, Gabheni, Talangpor, Umber, Jiyav and elsewhere in Choryasi taluka, Surat district, Gujarat.

The fisheries sector holds great importance for small island developing States (SIDS) of Asia and the Pacific. For many Governments, fisheries bring much-needed public revenues.

The Report contains significant results of the performance audit and compliance audits of the Departments of Government of Kerala under the Economic Services including Departments of Public Works, Fisheries and Co-operation.

The Cabinet has given the green signal to introduce Andhra Pradesh State Aquaculture Development Authority Act -2020 bill in the assembly. This Act may be called the Andhra Pradesh State Aquaculture Development Authority Act, 2020. It extends to the whole of the State of Andhra Pradesh.

According to this new FAO report the global consumption, per capita of fish has reached 20.5 kilogrammes per year and is projected to rise by one kilo per person, by 2030 . Although sustainability trends for tuna and other major fish stocks are improving, 34.2% of global fish stocks in 2020 are overfished and "biologically unsustainable says the report

This book presents contemporary case studies of land use, management practices, and innovation in Africa with a view to exploring how multifunctional land uses can alleviate food insecurity and poverty.Food security and livelihoods in Africa face multiple challenges in the form of feeding a growing population on declining land areas under the im

This report presents selected achievements and lessons from the growing portfolio of fisheries and aquaculture investments supported by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

While 80-90% of the workforce in the global seafood processing industry and 70% of the aquaculture processing workforce is female, these positions exemplify gender disparity as they are mainly low-skilled, low-paid and low-valued jobs.
