A recent study shows that an upstream dam will not affect downstream land reclamation

An additional financial boost of USD 17.4M was received yesterday from the World Bank’s International Development Association credit.

The seven cows that died last week within an hour at Laylong Pam in Narang gewog, Mongar was because of an outbreak of anthrax, livestock officials confirmed on May 15.

The government will propose to join the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in the upcoming National Assembly session that begins tomorrow.

The ministry of economic affairs will begin an independent investigation into whether Kuenphen Norden mine in Khariphu, Mewang gewog adversely impacts the five villages below it.

Bhutan could within a decade become the first country in the world to go wholly organic in its food production, according to key politicians in the Himalayan kingdom.

Many villagers of Trashigang and Trashiyangtse seemed doubtful about switching to biogas from liquid petroleum gas and better still, traditional wood-fed earthen stoves they used today.

A windstorm that hit three gewogs in Samtse on Sunday evening, May 11, damaged 96 homes and severely damaged the general hospital.

Even as people in Dechenling recover from the March 19 storm, another windstorm hit the gewog at around 2am yesterday.

Bangladesh has secured 130th position, higher than India and Pakistan, in a list ranking the countries that are the best places for a mother and her children to be living in.
