The department of geology and mines (DGM) yesterday issued a notification informing Gedaphu community that the cracks that had developed on the walls of their house were not caused from blasting ne

An Environmental Information System (EIS) for the tourism industry will be developed that will maintain data on carbon emissions, energy use and waste.

Twenty-seven households of Gidaphu in Bjemina under Mewang gewog, Thimphu are preparing documents to file a petition with the district court this Friday, requesting suspension of mining activities

The wildlife conservation division, which began conducting the first nationwide tiger survey since February this year, will release the preliminary report from the southern region on August 14, acc

Pakistan retained its last year's position at number 146 in the category of 'low development countries' in the UN Human Development Report (HDR) 2014 'Sustaining Human Progress: Reducing Vulnerabil

China opened the railway line to Lhasa, Tibet’s capital, in 2006 as a part of its efforts to boost development.

SAARC: While the SAFTA ministerial council meeting begins today in the capital, economic affairs and commerce ministers from Bhutan and Bangladesh have already met to consider the free trade agreem

Khitshang: Like a station awaiting a train delayed by hours, Duksum town has been in a slumber as long as its residents can remember.

Hydropower: Nikachu hydropower project (NHP) in Trongsa can now start acquiring land and develop infrastructure, with the project receiving environment clearance, the latest development.

Site inspection: DGM officials and employees from mining companies inspect the site where explosives were used.
