With Assam being located in the downstream of many rivers flowing down from Bhutan and with construction of dams and hydropower projects being proposed in the neighbouring country, experts are incr

Forest fire: Thimphu city was briefly under a thick blanket of smoke yesterday when a forest fire that started opposite Bap lhakhang raged on for hours destroying more than 100 acres of blue pine

Water: Depleting water sources and absence of concrete solution in most gewogs of Trashigang has left farmers worried even as the dzongkhag administration is surveying the situation.

ADB, in partnership with Bhutan's Royal Court of Justice, convened the Second South Asia Judicial Roundtable on Environmental Justice to discuss shared environmental challenges, common experiences, and ways to further cooperation.

Black-necked Crane (Grus nigricollis) is classified as Vulnerable under the IUCN Red List Categories and legally protected in Bhutan. Bhutan is an important and the largest winter non-breeding habitat outside of the Chinese boundary. Blacknecked Cranes winter in Bhutan for about five months, and they come to central (Phobjilka, Khotokha and Gyetsa) and eastern (Bumdeling) Bhutan. In Bhutan most wintering areas lie within the Conservation or protected areas, and Bumdeling and Khotokha are declared as RAMSAR site.

ransportation has become an important part of our day to day life. Due to changing lifestyle, frequent travels whether related to work or leisure has become a common phenomenon. Such lifestyle also demands comfortable transport medium and reasonable availability of fuels. As need of vehicle for transportation is rising, it has put pressure of fuel supply, fuel prices and environment as well. The rising prices of fuel, increasing pressure on resources and threatening environment pollution is driving the need for alternative and clean sources of energy.

Musk deer could go extinct if poaching continues at the current rate, according to officials from Wangchuck centennial national park (WCNP) and Thrumshingla national park (TNP) in Bhutan. Read more in November 2014 edition of the Monthly Overview on State of Environment, Bhutan.

The International Criminal Police Organisation (Interpol) has shown interest in visiting Bangladesh to investigate wildlife trafficking in the country, following the recent arrest of six poachers.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) said on Wednesday in New Delahi that an estimated 2.5 billion people around the world lack access to basic sanitation services, of which 792 million live in Indi

India along with Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Laos, Vietnam and Afghanistan will participate in a three-day International Toilet Festival in the city, which will start on Tuesday to create awareness a
