In the cities of Asia and Latin America, increasing population density and motorization are leading to a rapid rise in transport and environmental problems.

If you can spot a BMTC or KSRTC bus that is causing a lot of pollution, you can not only have it removed from service, but also earn a reward of `1,000.

Reacts To Govt's Delay Claim

Karnataka Transport Minister Ramalinga Reddy rode on a battery-driven bicycle on Sunday here to promote greater use of electric vehicles and mark the World Environment Day.

The government today formalised an agreement with World Bank arm IBRD for Global Environmental Facility ( GEF ) grant of $9.2 million for an efficient and sustainable bus service project in four ci

Electric Vehicles (EVs), primarily Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs), have the capacity to increase energy efficiency, diversify transport energy carriers, and reduce their carbon intensity, supporting the integration of variable renewable energy in the power generation mix and transferring to the tran

The move would also save money for the corporation as it gets a rebate of Rs five per litre of biofuel.

To reduce pollution being caused by the ever-increasing number of vehicles, the Administration is contemplating starting electric buses in the city.

The concept vehicle is designed to float above the clogged-up streets of some of the country’s biggest cities

This report aims to help Bhutan think through various technical and policy issues of introducing electric vehicles in its own context. It analyses a variety of factors that will impact adoption of electric vehicles from technical, market and financial feasibility to consumer awareness and stakeholders’ capacity.
