Rarely human communities coexist in harmony with large predators. Most often communities suffer due to predation on their stock while large carnivores suffer losses and at times extirpation due to retaliation.

The study estimated, for the first time, the greenhouse gas emissions associated with cattle raising in Brazil, focusing on the period from 2003 to 2008 and the three principal sources: 1) portion of deforestation resulting in pasture establishment and subsequent burning of felled vegetation; 2) pasture burning; and 3) bovine enteric fermentation. Deforestation for pasture establishment was only considered for the Amazon and Cerrado. Emissions from pasture burning and enteric fermentation were accounted for the entire country.

In sub-Saharan countries infested by tsetse flies, African Animal Trypanosomosis (AAT) is considered as the main pathological constraint to cattle breeding. Africa has known a strong climatic change and its population was multiplied by four during the last half-century. The aim of this study was to characterize the impact of production practices and climate on tsetse occurrence and abundance, and the associated prevalence of AAT in Burkina Faso.

Muktsar: The livestock insurance scheme of the Centre has failed to catch the fancy of cattle owners in the district.

MPs have voted against the government's policy of culling badgers in two pilot schemes in England.

It follows a highly-charged debate led by backbenchers in the Commons.

England’s West Country is a bucolic landscape of winding country lanes and gently rolling pastures. But as autumn darkens into winter, a war, complete with armed marksmen and camouflaged saboteurs, is about to erupt from the hedgerows. Both sides claim science as their ally. At issue is the badger (Meles meles), one of the largest predators left in the British Isles after millennia of human occupation. The furry creature is an iconic and beloved species — but to farmers, it is a menace that infects their cattle with bovine tuberculosis (TB).

Forests meet 40% of the energy needs of India and about 30% of fodder needs of the cattle population. Agriculture along with animal husbandry is the principal occupation and source of livelihood for over 70% of the population of Western Himalaya. Like with other high-altitude communities, animal husbandry is practised by the locals. Collection of fodder is the first step that turns the wheel of agricultural economy in states across the Indian Himalayan region. (Correspondence)

Let’s presume for a moment that you aren’t someone who thinks a great deal about dairy farming. Like me, for example. You (or I) may think you have this idea about what it means to milk a cow.

KORAPUT: Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik launched the much-awaited cattle breeding programme at a function here on Thursday.

The first licence allowing farmers to shoot badgers in an attempt to reduce cattle TB is to be issued on Monday.
