Water scarcity is not restricted to the plains as is generally perceived, but is also seriously affecting many areas in the Himalayan heights that remain snow-bound for a large part of the year.

With 40 per cent of the country under the impact of consecutive failed monsoons, water rationing could become a norm in many parts of the country in the coming summer, they warned.

VARANASI: To prevent the majestic ghats from caving in, the experts of Geological Survey of India (GIS) and National Institute of Hydrology (NIH) will assess the measures to check erosion on the le

National Register of Large Dam (NRLD) is a compilation of the large dams in the country prepared as per information received from the State Government / Authority concerned. The lists of dams have been regrouped as per their location within the territory of a State.

Tamil Nadu to have 14 stations

With China commissioning Zangmu Hydropower station on upper Brahmaputra earlier this month, India seems to have lost its shot.

Another break in monsoon during its last leg has caused the rainfall deficiency in Marathwada and central Maharashtra to increase again, data provided by the India Meteorological Department (IMD) h

Constitutes A Seven-Member Panel To Quickly Complete Aquifer Mapping

Falling water levels in 91 major reservoirs to hit availability for irrigation & drinking

An expert panel of the environment ministry has recommended forest clearance for three crucial hydro projects located in the Siang river basin, Arunachal Pradesh, that will collectively denude 200
