If you thought the population explosion was limited to the human race alone, then have a look at the latest figures of the "dog census', which reveal that there are 5.85 lakh dogs in Punjab, of which 2.65 lakh are stray. However, the state government seems to have finally woken up to the menace of stray dogs after numerous cases of dog bite were reported. Two children were even killed by stray dogs last year in Amritsar. The government has now decided to sterilise and vaccinate stray dogs across the state with the help of a Gujarat-based NGO.

Jain Irrigation Systems is the second-largest drip irrigation company in the world and one of the largest suppliers of ducting to telcos globally. Now, it's eyeing revenues of $1 billion, krishna gopalan

India's urban crisis hits Chandigarh. Why are we surprised? the rapid changes transforming Indian cities haven't left Chandigarh untouched. Long called the City Beautiful for its

Le Corbusier Foundation, Paris, plans to put Chandigarh in UNESCO's modern heritage list. m n sharma, the first architect to work with Le Corbusier, tells savvy soumya misra about an urbanization

Sukhna lake in Chandigarh is steadily shrinking. Siltation and commercialization of the surrounding area are taking their toll on the lake. "Sukhna has become a pond and the administration is just

Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission has been launched by Govt. of India in the year 2005-2006 to carry out development of selected city.

• A pharmaceutical company of Delhi has patented an Indian herb that is being showcased as a miracle cure for piles. An integrated system of piles management, based on studies with extracts of

During the last hundred years or so, deforestation and wind-water borne soil erosion have been steadily increasing and have now become the major environmental problems the world over.

the Sukhna Lake in Chandigarh, which was dying due to heavy siltation, has been revived by the efforts of the forest department of Chandigarh. According to H S Sohol chief wildlife warden

Infected food and unhygienic feeding habits lead to a high incidence of infantile diarrhoea
