Education systems around the world are facing an unprecedented challenge in the wake of massive school closures mandated as part of public health efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19. Over 1.5 billion students at all levels are now affected by this educational disruption.

COVID-19 has prompted widespread school closures and physical distancing measures and made online platforms and communities essential to maintaining a sense of normalcy. Children and their families are turning to digital solutions more than ever to support children’s learning, socialization and play.

The Covid-19 crisis is asking a great deal of the nation’s children, as well as their parents, carers and wider families. Schools and childcare facilities have closed, exams are on hold, and normal social activities are confined to online interactions.

Government is implementing POSHAN Abhiyaan (earlier known as National Nutrition Mission) since 18thDecember 2017 to address the problem of malnutrition in the country including the problem of underweight and anemia in women and children. To ensure a holistic approach, all districts of States/UTs have been covered in the Abhiyaan including tribal areas. The Abhiyaan is implemented in the tribal, backward, slum and rural areas also.

Nearly 64 million girls were born in 1995, the year the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action was adopted, beginning their lives as the global community committed to improving their rights. In 2020, nearly 68 million girls are expected to be born.

This new report published in the journal “ Lancet” says that the future of children around the world including India, is being threatened by ecological degradation and climate change and exploitative marketing practices that push heavily processed fast food, sugary drinks, alcohol and tobacco at children.

This is the third report in Save the Children's 'Stop the War on Children' series. It reveals shocking trends in the threats to the safety and wellbeing of children living in areas impacted by conflict. In 2018, verified grave violations against children reached a record high.

The Free to Shine campaign1 is an initiative of the African Union, the Organization of African First Ladies for Development (OAFLAD) and partners to address the growing complacency in the response to childhood HIV in Africa.

The Goa Private Universities Bill, 2020 is a bill to provide for establishment and incorporation of private Universities in the State of Goa for imparting quality and industry relevant higher education and to regulate their functions and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

Although more children than ever are enrolled in school, far too many are not learning. A key factor that affects quality of education is the availability of public funding. Underinvestment in education can result in several conditions that negatively impact how and what children learn.
