Juba To interrupt the transmission of the measles virus, the Ministry of Health for South Sudan, with support from the World Health Organization, UNICEF and other partners, have launched reactive m

In many developing countries, agricultural policies and programs are often designed in a way to promote productivity growth with modern inputs and technologies, and with limited reference to the nutrition gains that gain be made through production diversification.

The UNICEF-WHO low birthweight estimates report presents new global, regional and national estimates of low birthweight, showing that 1 in 7 babies worldwide – more than 20 million babies – are born with low birthweight. This puts them at serious risk of death, stunting and developmental difficulties.

The 2030 Agenda promises equal access to justice for all by 2030, but we live in a world where justice systems only deliver in justice for the few says this new report. Two-thirds of the world’s population – lack meaningful access to justice and Closing the justice gap requires a fresh vision, a transformation in ambition, and strategies that take seriously the scale of the problem.

India has 2.9 million children who have missed out on the first dose of measles vaccine between 2010 and 2017 despite over 80 per cent of immunisation coverage, the UNICEF said on Thursday.

Swedish teenage environmental activist Greta Thunberg on Sunday urged hundreds of climate-change protesters in London to never give up their campaign to save the planet as police arrests over disru

More than 750,000 South Sudanese children under age 5 are expected to face acute malnutrition this year, according to the International Rescue Committee.

Children in some disaster-prone regions are twice as likely to be living in chronic poverty, according to new research.

- Children from poor families in sub-Saharan Africa have been able to swap cleaning up cowpats for lessons thanks to a solar power project that rewards parents for sending them to school.

The sex ratio at birth (SRB; ratio of male to female live births) imbalance in parts of the world over the past few decades is a direct consequence of sex-selective abortion, driven by the coexistence of son preference, readily available technology of prenatal sex determination, and fertility decline. Estimation of the degree of SRB imbal
