The Chandigarh health department is also approaching the UT police so that one constable accompanies every team during the vaccination drive.

CHENNAI: In the country's diabetes capital, it is only natural that worries of most residents are about high blood sugar and other complications.

Most child deaths in India occur from treatable diseases like pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria and complications at birth.

Understanding the Impacts of Pesticides on Children highlights the various pathways of exposure and outlines the associated effects on children’s health. This discussion paper summarizes key research (with footnotes that offer links to freely available external resources), delves into the issues, and offers concrete ideas for solutions.

Children, pregnant women, elderly and people with respiratory problems suffer the most due to it, says S.P. Byotra.

Says around 12 million babies in South Asia under the age of one are worst affected

Question raised in Lok Sabha on Status of Malnutrition, 15/12/2017. The status of malnutrition in the country amongst children and adolescent girls is covered under the National Family Health Survey (NFHS) conducted periodically by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare. The details are given in this document:

The UN warns that more than 400,000 children in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are severely malnourished and could die within months without emergency intervention.

Rural communities in Kenya risk losing out on billions in royalties even as the country prepares to draw the first revenue from oil.

Pollution can permanently damage children’s lungs, along with affecting the brain and lowering intelligence, said this report released by UNICEF. This report which states that children’s IQ and memory is affected by pollution, sampled 17 million babies worldwide. The report further stated that globally 17 million babies live in highly polluted areas and South Asia is home to 12.2 million of them.
