The children of Ambohijafy, a rural village among the green valleys and sloping hills of Madagascar’s fertile central highlands, are some of the poorest in the world, but they dream of rising above
With child labour soaring in Lebanon following the outbreak of war in Syria, the United Nations published on Wednesday the first guide in Arabic to help farmers and officials seeking to protect the
LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - The number of children suffering from life-threatening malnutrition across the Lake Chad Basin - about 800,000 - has soared since last year, and could spiral f
Egeland stressed that of this number, 450,000 were in Nigeria, 247,500 in Niger, 63,000 in Cameroon and 22,000 in Chad.He explained that 57 per cent of the funds needed to provide basic humanitaria
With a benefit to cost ratio of 16:1 for 40 low and middle-income countries, there is a well recognized rationale, globally, for investing in Nutrition. The recently published NFHS-4 results reflect some progress, with a decline in the overall levels of under nutrition in both women and children.
This discussion paper shows that schools offer a unique opportunity to improve nutrition using a systemic, multi-sectoral approach. Social, health, economic and ethic arguments coalesce in and around schools.
The report observes that in today's broadband society, digital skills are key. The ability to operate a smartphone, navigate the internet, engage in online environments, and organize and safeguard digital information are essential 'literacies', skills and competencies needed by all people.
School playgrounds across Syria are being transformed into vegetable gardens where children whose diets have been devastated by six years of war can learn to grow — and then eat — aubergines, lettu