
raging forest fires have consumed more than four hundered thousands hectares of natural forest in the us in areas ranging from Arizona to the Canadian border. Over 70 large fires which are

Droughts in Africa were far worse in the last millennium than is now

Measurements and models show that enhanced aerosol concentrations can augment cloud albedo not only by increasing total droplet cross-sectional area, but also by reducing precipitation and thereby increasing cloud water content and cloud coverage. Aerosol pollution is expected to exert a net cooling influence on the global climate through these conventional mechanisms. Here, we demonstrate an opposite mechanism through which aerosols can reduce

The answers to puzzling climatic phenomena may lie inside the Earth and not just in the atmosphere and the sea

THE drought which hit the us recently may extend to the next year, John Kelly, director, National Weather Service has said. Dan Glickman, agriculture secretary, has declared Connecticut "a farm

Australian scientists say ocean warming has increased rainfall over the Southern Ocean

from Virginia to Massachusetts, extending even as far west as Ohio, exceptionally dry weather conditions threaten eastern United States with drought. The National Weather Service has blamed the

Summer is only just setting in. And already there are reports of deaths in Orissa due to a heat wave

climatologists believe it is unlikely

CLIMATOLOGISTs believe that 1999 will not be quite as warm as 1998. Figures released by the Australia's Bureau of Meteorology reveal that the average temperature last year was 22.54oC. It was 0.73oC
