The Haribad minor irrigation project in Madhya Pradesh is to be built on the boundary of the two villages of Haribad and Sakad on the Kundi river. The project will largely benefit Haribad, while the tribal people of Sakad will lose their land. This is a brief account of the multiple conflicts that have arisen.

pollution fine: A Chinese water firm has won US $285,100 in a lawsuit against three firms in the Inner Mongolian city of Baotou for polluting more than 400 km of the Yellow river. Initially, the

Orissa first drafted a comprehensive rehabilitation policy back in 1994, but that was never enacted. Currently, the state draws up R&R policies on industry-specific basis.

Another UNDP/DFID aided draft was presented to the state revenue department on 8 July 2005. After sitting on the draft since last year, the state now wants the 5-member ministerial committee, headed by Industries and Law Minister Biswabhushan Harichandan, to review the draft and submit a report within a month.

Clash between tribals and the police at Orissa steel complex

This paper has three parts: 

The chemical giant DuPont was found guilty of hiding important information for more than 20 years concerning a compound used to make Teflon (in non-stick cookware) which posed substantial threat to

netting laws flouted: Italian fisherfolk continue to flout the European ban on use of driftnets. A recent report points to loopholes in the Italian law as one the main reasons for this. The report

The Omkareshwar reservoir had been planted for first filling during March 2008. However, before the initial filling, assessment of Rabi crop coming submergence was required for compensation purposes, if required.

stay on eviction: The Gujarat High Court (HC) stayed the eviction of about 38,855 tribals across 11 districts of the state. This came after the HC admitted a public interest petition filed by the

pongamia buses: Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) is running its 81 buses in Doddbalapur station (rural Bangalore), on a 10 per cent pongamia blend. These buses consume 6,000 litres
