Old Tehri town and several villages go under water following a court order to close the diversion canal and dam the Bhagirathi, while the scattered families' demands for compensation are yet to mat

It is now clear after two eventful decades that the crucial aspect of the tussle over the dams on the Narmada, particularly the Indira Sagar Project, is the neglect of resettlement and rehabilitati

The Government of Madhya Pradesh was initially supposed to undertake the process of land acquisition for the families displaced by the Indira Sagar Project (ISP), but it handed over the responsibil

UP compensates five JE victims. Hundreds wait

But can Mumbai s civic authorities use it to solve the city s land crunch?

Hydropower is northeast India s biggest resource. But the manner in which the Subansiri Lower Project SLP is being implemented forces nitin sethi to ask: how should this growth potential be tapped?

On December 3 1984, more than 40 tons of methyl isocyanate gas leaked from a pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, immediately killing at least 3,800 people and causing significant morbidity and premature death for many thousands more. The company involved in what became the worst industrial accident in history immediately tried to dissociate itself from legal responsibility.

The Bhopal gas leak disaster symbolises the failure of the legal system in general and the failure of the system to respond to the disaster in particular. The twenty years of engagement with the law and the justice system holds many lessons for the future. It is time for introspection and assessment.

Twenty years on, the verdict on how the Indian state has responded to Bhopal should be unequivocal: not only did it neglect its responsibilities, it actively suppressed the rights of the victims.

Logjam: A federal appeals court has blocked logging of trees scorched in one of the US's largest wildfires. It is unlikely that the dead trees can be harvested before rotting. The court order came
