Two years after a Supreme Court order, the government sets up the first fuel testing lab in Noida

The Supreme Court extends the deadline to introduce cleaner petrol and diesel in the capital

Two years after the Supreme Court directed the setting up of two independent fuel testing centres in Delhi, one is yet to be commissioned

officials and activists from government and non-government organisations ( ngo s) engaged in heated debate at a seminar held recently in Delhi on solid waste management in the city. Organised

While examining the Seventh Progress Report of the Environ-ment Pollution (Prevention and Control) Authority, the Supreme Court directed the ministry of petroleum and natural gas (MPNG) to supply

....should come cheaper not dearer. But obviously someone does not care

Transport minister Parvez Hashmi points to a number of factors that delayed the implementation of the Supreme Court s order to introduce CNG buses in Delhi

Raising the price of low sulphur vehicular fuels may discourage their use

there are increasing number of fluo

DTC invites the wrath of the Supreme Court with its lax attitude towards the court order to convert all buses over eight years old to CNG by April 1, 2000
