A tussle over funding clouds issues of climate change a biodiversity.

Environmental space may be defined as the total quantity of natural resources that can be used on a sustainable basis, for example, the total quantity of carbon dioxide that can be released into the

Getting scientists from developing countries to serve on the climate change panel is proving difficult.

BETWEEN 1986 and 1990, the total consumption of ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) by industrialised countries dropped from 971,342 tonnes to 636,588 tonnes -- a fall of 34 per cent. The

BIOTECHNOLOGY means a lot of things to different people. The new and the traditional coexist and reinforce each other within biotechnology -- now an established and highly interdisciplinary applied

The state's attempts to stop environmental degradation in Bariadi district failed because they ignored the traditional knowledge of the people.

NESTLE seems to have perfected the fine art of profiting at another's expense. Its infant food substitutes have been a known cause of diarrhoea and death among year-old babies. Now, the company

Doctors and social workers advocate awareness as the best way to prevent AIDS, a disease that has no vaccine or cure, from spreading.

The UN's World Investment Report 1992 indicates the data available on the geographical distribution of R&D efforts of MNCs shows a growing trend towards internationalisation. A survey of 33 major

A recent United Nations report absolves multinationals of the environmentalists' charge of shifting ecologically harmful industries to the South. Earlier, equally prestigious reports, claimed the contrary.
