In april this year, California became the first us state to introduce a bill to biomonitor breast milk. Activists and researchers hope that once this legislation is passed, it will help people realise that mothers pass on toxic material to their offspring

Local pollution linked to birth defects

See Score Card Raw material sourcing phase To rate the companies on the raw material sourcing phase, grp used the following indicators: the quality of input salt, transportation of salt,

Pondicherry-based Chemfab Alkalis Ltd (cal) has been rated as the greenest caustic-chlorine company in India. With an overall score of 46.7 per cent, it has been given the Three Leaves Award. Set

With lax regulations and a huge mercury loss unaccounted for, a disaster is waiting to happen in India

If the industry wants to survive in an environmentally conscious world, the search for chlorine alternatives must go hand in hand with product stewardship

The convoluted laws of the country fail to tackle the menace caused by the exponentially growing and powerful plastic industry in India

Of your waste, the government needs to tell the plastic industry. Other countries have done so. At times, to developing nations detriment. India needs to learn and adapt

An endocrine disrupter is a synthetic chemical which, when absorbed by the body, interferes with normal hormone function. This undermines intelligence, decreases resistance to disease and impairs

Andhra Pradesh is in choppy waters over a proposed ship breaking yard at Vodarevu
