But will mining displace 50,000 families in Karnataka?

• Free houses for displaced people at the rate of 125 sq metres in rural areas, and 63 sq metres in urban areas

That nobody has bothered about

A disaster the world prefers to forget

Women, Mining and Displacement: Report of a Pilot Study Conducted in Jharkhand

The Sri Lankan Supreme Court rules against a mining project that would have displaced thousands of people

Forty thousand dams have rendered 60 million people homeless the worldover

A proposed power generation project in Laos has become the target of environmentalists ire

The latest furore in South Africa is over the Cloudy Creek or Rietspruit wetland on the south bank of the Vaal river. The Sasol Chemical Industries wants to strip mine the area for coal as

The Brazilian acting minister of justice Milton Seligman denied the allegation that the former minister Nelson Jobim had given the instruction that the Raposa/Serra do Sol indigenous area be
