A Task Force of prominent former U.S. government and UN officials, NGO leaders, and climate experts today called for dramatic and unprecedented policy measures to address the global climate crisis and its impact on migration.
Building on the global joint work by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the World Food Programme (WFP) on the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on hunger, migration and displacement in the world from November 2020, this report aims to provide an overview of the unique challenges faced by migrants and forcibly
This report, Futures at Risk: Protecting the Rights of Children on the Move in a Changing Climate, examines the impact of climate change-related displacement and migration on children’s access to education and health services.
IDMC’s Global Report on Internal Displacement is the official repository of data and analysis on internal displacement. This year's GRID discusses the relationship between climate change, disasters and displacement, and presents good practices from across the globe in advancing policy, displacement risk reduction and effective response.
Nearly half of the population - 47 percent - suffers from high and surging acute food insecurity in the Central African Republic as the country reels from the impacts of ongoing conflict and COVID-19, and braces for another harsh May-August lean season, warn the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the United Nations
This study contributes to the growing field of human mobility by exploring adaptation responses to climate-related human movement by examining the role of climate variability and change and climate-induced hazards as risk multipliers in the context of human movement; and providing practical recommendations for adaptation strategies to support pe
The start of the main annual harvest is gradually improving food access for most households in the semi-arid areas of southern and central Mozambique, driving Stressed (IPC Phase 2) or Minimal (IPC Phase 1) outcomes.
A new report reveals 12.6 million people have been internally displaced around the world in the last six months mainly due to climate and weather-related disasters, according to data available through the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre.
The climate in Somalia is projected to become drier, warmer, more erratic, and more extreme than in recent decades and thus less favourable to crop, livestock, fisheries, and forestry-based livelihood systems.
How should policymakers respond to the reality and future prospect of vast populations being displaced and relocated in an era of global heating? With climate change looming, anxiety over immigration from the Global South is increasingly fuelled by apocalyptic fears of ecological breakdown.