Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Urvashi Shobhna Kachari Vs Union of India & Others dated 12/08/2022.

The NGT directed a joint committee to submit report on steps to be taken for the preservation of ecology in and around the pilgrim tracks in the sensitive and biodiverse regions of Uttarakhand.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Yogendra Mohan Sengupta Vs Union of India & Others dated 12/05/2022.

Challenge in the application is to the Draft Development Plan, 2041 prepared by the Town and Country Planning Department, Himachal Pradesh on the ground that such a plan is contrary to the sustainable development principle and destructive of environment and public safety.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Ganesh Chand Sharma Vs State of Uttarakhand & Others dated 11/05/2022.

This report traces the rise of eco-compensation, explores its current use, quantifies trends, and provides recommendations to strengthen impacts. Eco-compensation is poorly understood outside of China; even within China, the disparate nature of data and the diversity of programs means that key trends and lessons are easily overlooked.

Reply to the Joint Committee Report on behalf of the Applicant in OA 91 OF 2020 (SZ) (Venkatapathi Raja Yenumula  Vs Union of India & Others). The matter is related to illegal aquaculture and beach sand mining in East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh.

The NGT, July 1, 2021 had directed for the constitution of a 6 member joint committee to conduct inspections on the allegations raised by the applicant (Venkatapathi Raja Yenumula).

The applicant has raised objections to the report of the Joint Inspection Committee, some of which are the following:

As humanity’s demand on natural resources is increasingly exceeding Earth’s biological rate of regeneration, environmental deterioration such as greenhouse gas accumulation in the atmosphere, ocean acidification and groundwater depletion is accelerating. As a result, the capacity of ecosystems to renew biomass, herein referred to as ‘biocapacity’, is becoming the material bottleneck for the human economy.

Original Source

Response to the report of the Joint Committee on behalf of the applicants in the matter of E.A.S. Sarma & Others Vs Union of India & Others dated 13/04/2021. The matter related to illegal dredging and discharge of dredge spoil into the mangroves in violation of CRZ Notification of 2011 and 2018 in Kakinada Bay, Andhra Pradesh.

Written arguments on behalf of Bharat Kumar Jain for the protection and preservation of the ecological area of Mount Abu, situated in the Aravalli range in Rajasthan.

In terms of the notification of Eco-sensitive zone of Mount Abu, various construction activities were absolutely prohibited and accordingly when it was observed that under the garb of renovation various construction activities were going on by the politically and financially influential people, the application was filed, raising a substantial question relating to the environment.

Response on behalf of Bonani Kakkar to the progress report dated October 31, 2020 submitted by the Committee constituted by the National Green Tribunal. The matter related to blowout at well No. 5 in OIL India's Baghjan field, Assam in June 2020.  

Rejoinder by Isha Foundation to the TNSPCB report in the matter of M. Vetriselvan Vs Union of India & Others in Original Application No. 42 of 2017.
