Despite China

Over 65 pe cent of elementary schools in Goa have no headmasters. This dubious distinction is also shared by our neighbouring states, Maharashtra and Karnataka. Others are even worse off. Over two-thirds of elementary schools in Arunachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh function without headmasters, a study has revealed.

Poverty has become big business in India.

RAJKOT: Paperless schools where children don't need to lug heavy books on their thin frames, seemed like a thing of the future. But one school in Rajkot has taken the giant leap forward and made blackboards, notebooks, chalks and dusters redundant. The 1,000-odd students of Genius Schools will learn all their lessons digitally next month.


NEW DELHI: Delhi Municipal Commissioner K. S. Mehra presented revised budget estimates for the current financial year and budget estimates for the next fiscal in respect of the general wing and slum and jhuggi-jhonpri wing of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi on Friday.

This report presents the collective recommendations of more than 5000 scientists, engineers, students, and decisionmakers who have participated from 2000-2008 in the annual National Conference on Science, Policy and the Environment convened by the National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE).

In the recent past, two major policy interventions have been made to resettle and rehabilitate persons displaced as a result of acquisition of land for development projects. While the government of Orissa brought out its policy in 2006, the Central Government notified a new policy in 2007.

The method used to measure Human Development are reviewed in order to measure Human Development Index for rural AP by considering indicators such as economic attainment, longevity and education. Using UNDP method to estimate Human Development Index, which is predominantly normative approach to club different

Despite rapid income growth, South Asia has lagged behind the rest of Asia in reducing poverty and hunger. South Asia accounts for more than two-fifths of the world
