Governments in many countries are increasingly aware of the urgent need to make better use of the world's energy resources. Improved energy efficiency is often the most economic and readily available means of improving energy security and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. To support better energy efficiency policy-making and evaluation, the International Energy Agency is developing in-depth indicators of energy use, efficiency trends and CO2 emissions. This publication provides a summary of the key results of the indicators work so far.

The India Energy Conclave 2007 would focus on the preparedness of the Indian energy sector to keep up with the rapidly growing Indian economy. It will focus on a wide range of topics of interest to stakeholders. It would cover both conventional and non-conventional energy and focus on policy, power, coal, gas and technology.

Dao Duy Dang remembers the night in 1963 when the lights came on in Uong Bi. "People were so excited," the 70-year-old tea-shop owner says, recalling the cheers that rang through the northern Vietnamese town after one of the country's first coal-fired power plants began operating. "Their whole lives they had wished for electricity." Be careful what you wish for.

This report addresses the potential implementation of a landfill gas (LFG) collection, control and utilization project at the Deonar Landfill located in Mumbai, India. The U.S. EPA

A sustainable energy supply is a precondition for economic and social development and achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. In many parts of the world, a large share of the population have no access to modern energy services. At best, towns and industries are supplied with antiquated and unsustainable energy facilities.

the Punjab state farmers commission has recently asked the state government to make delayed-sowing of rice mandatory. The move comes at a time when agriculture in Punjab is facing its worst spell

The 9-plus per cent gdp growth has its own fallout. Sustaining this calls for urgent action to source, supply and price energy. At the 11th hour the Government is scurrying for solutions.

>> On April 16, the Anti-vivisection League, an animal rights group in Italy, asked Pope Benedict to stop wearing fur as a sign of respect for the "sacredness of all living species'. The Pope

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) is working in conjunction with the Government of India as part of the Methane to Markets Partnership (M2M), an international initiative to assist partner countries in reducing global methane emissions. M2M promotes the beneficial use of landfill methane, while also reducing landfill methane emissions to the atmosphere.

A global switch to efficient lighting will reduce electricity bills by one tenth
