The installed wind power capacity rose 28 per cent globally in 2002, according to the American Wind Energy Association (awea) and European Wind Energy Association (ewea). Wind energy plants produced

The UK aims to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by about 60 per cent by the year 2050 as a part of its efforts to curb global warming, according to a government energy white paper. But critics

An extension of the pursuit of inner purity to purer forms of energy

India dithers on cleaner coal technologies. But it has the technology to help the thermal power sector clean up its act

Even as electric bicycles are riding high on a popularity wave in Beijing, traffic officials have decided to phase them out by 2005. The user-friendly features of these vehicles

Environment ministry favours small manufacturers, ignores experts’ advice on air emission norms for off-road diesel engines

Sri Lanka's power and energy ministry is moving towards

The power crunch is taking its toll on industries in Maharashtra. The state government has ordered units in eight districts to shut down their operations during day time due to non-availability of

Assam s evicted encroachers show legal proof of residence

Villagers in Pench National Park sent packing
