E VIJAYALAKSHMI and RUHANI KAUR travel around Padre village, Kasargod district, Kerala and find what living with endosulfan has done to the area and its people
At Down To Earth (DTE) we believe that truth withheld is truth denied. Fresh evidence suggests a web of lies and deceit was weaved to declare that the pesticide endosulfan is not responsible for the horrendous mutations and ailments that many in the villages of Kerala’s Kasaragod district are suffering from.
The strong case against endosulfan just got stronger. Environmental Health Perspectives, a peer reviewed scientific journal of international repute, has published the Ahmedabad based National Institute of Occupational Health s damning research on the orga
Environmental effects of aerial spraying of Endosulphan at the Cashew plantations of Kasaragod District is a burning issue during the past few years and now also in Kerala. Endosulphan aerial spraying was done in Kasaragod District by Plantation Corporation during the last 24 years.
In view of the environmental damage caused by the organochlorine pesticide in several countries, the Cambodian health minister sought to prohibit its use. The ministry of agriculture, too, lost no time in giving its consent
The CSE’s recent exposé has blown the lid off the bottled water industry’s tall claims on the purity of its products. Simultaneously, it has brought to the surface a much larger problem: contamination of groundwater by pesticides
February 09, 2003: bis says it will effect changes in packaged drinking water norms and follow European standards. Department of science and technology scientists confirm findings of the Centre
for fisherfolk and traders in Jalpaiguri district of West Bengal, catching fish is child's play, thanks to harmful pesticides such as endosulfan. The fisherfolk contaminate the upper reaches of