Finance is key to achieving Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7), which aims to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. However, less than one-fourth of the investment required for universal electricity access is taking place.

2019 marks the 22nd edition of Key World Energy Statistics (KWES) – the annual booklet of the IEA’s most used statistics. Key World Energy Statistics contains timely, clearly presented data on the supply, transformation and consumption of all major energy sources for the main regions of the world, in addition to energy indicators, energy balances, prices, RDD and CO2 emissions as well as energy forecasts.

Several organisations and companies have developed scenarios to explore global future energy pathways that achieve the Paris climate goal.

Air conditioners in passenger cars, vans, buses and freight trucks – collectively known as mobile air conditioning – consume large amounts of energy. The fuel they use and their leaks of refrigerant are also responsible for a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions.

Argentina has shown many positive developments in the climate space since 2015, but Argentina’s climate commitment in 2030 is not consistent with holding warming below 2°C, let alone limiting it to 1.5°C as required to achieve the Paris Agreement.

In response to the threat of climate change, countries around the world have pledged to invest in low-carbon energy.

The scenarios provide an inclusive and strategic framework that enables big-picture thinking. They are designed to be used as a set to explore and navigate what might happen and support a better-quality global strategic dialogue on the future of energy systems.

The 2019 World Energy Trilemma Index Report, developed in partnership with Oliver Wyman, provides an objective rating of national energy system performance across the three Trilemma dimensions. The Index demonstrates the impact of varying policy pathways countries have taken in each of the dimensions over the past 20 years.

There is increasing and widespread recognition that nuclear energy will feature in the future global energy mix and make its contribution to sustainable development. The growth of nuclear energy and its role in the global energy transition will be influenced by a number of factors.

The world of energy is being reshaped by a set of fundamental drivers, which term the “Grand Transition”.
