S K Kabra , associate professor in the paediatric pulmonology division of All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi talks to Nidhi Jamwal about

Nations finally draft a treaty to combat the use of toxic chemicals like DDT and PCBs, which are known for their damning health effects

a tripartite agreement has been drawn between the Delhi government, the

Do you want a country full of cars? Cars cause cancer. Scientists can even measure the cancer potency levels of the cars we ride. The so called cancer potency index has emerged as an important tool for risk assessment the world over. But think twice bef

The cancer causing potential of diesel cars is more than twice that of petrol cars in India

... from a German study confirming the carcinogenicity of the devil in the tank and the engine

There s more to diesel than cancer. And at the receiving end is poor people

The ad hoc South Asian technical committee for environmental reforms is accorded permanent status

Some now ways of using fortilisers which will prevent nitrogen seepage into the water table

AN Indian environmentalist recently offered me a five-word analysis of pollution in the Netherlands, which made up in crispness what it lacked in elegance. "Holland," he said, "is drowning in
