U.S. lawmakers hoped to garner more support for climate change legislation awaiting a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives by looking out for agricultural interests.

Lawmakers came to a compromise earlier in the week that would help the Farm Belt cope with new requirements for industry to limit greenhouse gas emissions.

Following are some of the concessions made to farmers:

Contaminated lands, blighted by fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, could be cleaned up in a clever way: by growing biofuels. Belarus, the country affected by much of the fallout, is planning to use the crops to suck up the radioactive strontium and caesium and make the soil fit to grow food again within decades rather than hundreds of years.

The climate bill nearing a vote in the U.S. House will reward farmers who plant trees or take other steps to control greenhouse gases and it will remove for five years an obstacle to corn-based ethanol, said the House Agriculture Committee chairman on Wednesday.

Jamie Coomarasamy

There are some things that don

By Janardhan Roye

India is the second largest producer of fruits and vegetables in the world. Of the 370 million tonnes of fruits harvested globally, India accounts for 30 million tonnes.

Farm-state lawmakers on Wednesday asked the Obama administration to back a broader definition of biomass for use in renewable fuels, an issue entangled with congressional action on climate change.

The Brazilian government and the sugar cane-based ethanol industry are hoping to head off complaints about harmful environmental and labor practices by investing in socially responsible production methods, speakers at the 2nd Ethanol Summit 2009 said on Monday.

India?s bio-fuel strategy continues to focus on use of non-food sources for production of bio-fuels: sugar molasses for production of ethanol for blending with gasoline, and non-edible oilseeds for production of bio-diesel for blending with petro-diesel.

Counting the climate-warming carbon dioxide locked up in forests could offer a cheaper way to curb the greenhouse gas than by considering only emissions from industry and fossil fuels, according to a new study.

Transport sector is an essential driver of economic development and growth, and at the same time, one of the biggest contributors to climate change, responsible for almost a quarter of the global carbon dioxide emissions. The sector is 95 percent dependent on fossil fuels.
