Corn-for-fuel is killing friendly insects EXPANSION of corn acreage in four US states

MANGROVES NOT BIOSHIELDS: Coastal forests such as mangroves cannot protect communities from tsunamis, claims a new study to be published by the United Nations Environment Programme. Researchers from ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies and James Cook University, Australia, analyzed the pattern of damage that occurred during the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and said there was no

NEW YORK: Barely a year after the U.S. Congress enacted an energy law to foster a huge national enterprise capable of converting plants and agricultural wastes into automotive fuel, the goals lawmakers set for the ethanol industry are in serious jeopardy.

LONDON - What we throw away could soon be used to power our cars, if projects to produce ethanol from commercial waste are ramped up.

Some companies are exploring the environmental and financial benefits of putting waste to good use and are developing technology to produce bioethanol.

With the prospects of higher energy requirements in the longer term and the need for reducing GHG emission, biofuel production could be an important source of sustainable energy supply although it will only represent a small proportion of total energy consumption.

Driven by national objectives for greater energy security, the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and rural development policy, incentives supporting biofuel production have increased in recent years with a greater number of countries adopting a variety of stimulative policies.

DAVOS - Clean energy investment needs to more than triple to $515 billion a year to stop planet-warming emissions reaching levels deemed unsustainable by scientists, the World Economic Forum said in a report on Thursday.

There are 15 distilleries in Tamil Nadu under operation. The distillery effluent (mainly spent wash) is dark brown in colour and acidic in nature. It contains high percentage of dissolved organic, inorganic matter and potassium. Till year 2000 these units had disposed the partly treated effluent on land as fertilizer and stored in lined lagoon for solar evaporation.

US ethanol producers have had no joy from the stock market. The financial figures of many are awful. Venture capitalists are holding back investment

High levels of oil imports and high crude oil and gasoline prices in recent years have led to increased interest in the U.S. fuel supply. Recent congressional interest has focused on
