Russian companies, frustrated by slow legal reforms, have abandoned costly projects to produce bioethanol from grain and are instead trying to make the environmentally friendly fuel component from other sources.

It's corn planting time in the U.S. Plains, and that means Kansas corn farmer Merl "Buck" Rexford is worrying about the weather -- and hoping there is enough water.

Rexford plans to start seeding his 7,000 acres near Meade, Kansas, this week and he is relishing a recent heavy snow storm that dropped several inches of much-needed moisture.

One of the most destructive developments in agriculture over the past two decades has been the boom in soya production in the southern cone of Latin America. The corporations that led that boom are now moving aggressively into sugar cane, focusing on large tracts of land in southern countries where sugar can be produced cheaply. If these developments are not resisted, the

This white paper synthesizes existing scientific data on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions related to the production and expansion of biofuels. It is specifically focused towards assisting organizations that are developing sustainability standards for biofuels with the collection and interpretation of data.

This report on Canada forms part of a multi-country effort by the Global Subsidies Initiative (GSI) of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) to characterize and quantify government support for liquid biofuel production, distribution and consumption. An overview of ethanol and biodiesel, the main fuels evaluated in this report.

The document on the MOU between Ministry of renewable energy and Department of energy of USA.The purpose of this MOU is to at establish framework of cooperation covering scientific, technical and policy aspects of production, conversion, utilization, distribution and marketing of biofuels in a sustainable manner and in accordance with national priorities and socio-economic development strategies.

Expansion of corn acreage in four US states

The past few months have seen unprecedented turmoil in worldwide financial markets. With the global economy in a recession and the decreased price of oil, many may be wondering what the future holds for biofuels.

Lantana camara Linn. belonging to family Verbenaceae is known world wide as an obnoxious weed having 650 varieties spreading over 60 countries. The present study was carried out to investigate the efficacy of L. camara extracts against wood destroying white and brown rot fungi.

A shortfall in production has thrown out of gear the government
