The report underscores the need for strong public policies to help realize the potential of industrial biotech and recommends initiatives such as pollution costs charged to petrol-based materials, investment in advanced waste management technologies, and labeling systems for bio-based products.

The ethanol industry called for requirements that all vehicles sold in the United States accept high blends of the alternative motor fuel as part of a push to lower greenhouse gas emissions and provide jobs at home.

Lawyers for New York City are trying to convince a jury in a federal trial that Exxon Mobil knew that an additive that it used in gasoline would contaminate groundwater.

New fuel regulations based on life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have focused renewed attention on life cycle models of biofuels. The BESS model estimates 25% lower life cycle GHG emissions for corn ethanol than does the well-known GREET model, which raises questions about which model is more accurate.

This report presents a side-by-side comparison of fuels and vehicles with the recognition that future technological advances or additional research into unresolved issues, such as the land-use impact of biofuel production, could alter findings and make certain options more or less attractive.

This recent report cautions that the production of biofuels is fuelling poverty, human rights abuses and damage to the environment. Includes case studies of communities which are growing biofuels on a small scale to supply their own energy needs.

This paper analyzes biofuels certification within the optic of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and proposes requirements for compliance with the international trading system.

This paper analyzes biofuels certification within the optic of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and proposes requirements for compliance with the international trading system.

The US's stance on climate change has shifted beyond recognition. President Barack Obama's science adviser John Holdren tells Graham Lawton how the US will put its house in order, secure a deal at the make-or-break summit in Copenhagen, and lead the world's fight against dangerous climate change.

Biofuel from India key to de-addict oilholic American economy In February 2009, India
