ROME: Failure to rein in global temperature rises could cause the marine food web to collapse, devastating the livelihoods of tens of millions of people who rely on fisheries for food and income, s

The number of people experiencing food insecurity in Africa rose from 220 million people to 224 million people this year.

Close to one third of all the food Kenyans prepared for Christmas and New Year festivities may have gone to waste, according to several estimates.

A rise in adult obesity levels in the East Africa’s urban centres are taking a toll on efforts to tackle malnutrition, while undernourishment rates also remain a major concern.

More than 40 million people are suffering hunger in the Near East and North Africa Region (NENA) due to wars and conflicts, according to the latest 2017 report of the Food and Agriculture Organizat

Food security in the Middle East and North Africa is quickly deteriorating because of conflict in several countries in the region, the United Nations said on Thursday.

Kinshasa — Against a backdrop of intense human suffering, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) are joining forces to mitigate some of the effects of confli

ONE evening in Tombo, as fish buyers throng the seafront, an argument erupts at the far end of the harbour.

A roadside food kiosk proprietor prepares chapatis for his customers' lunch at Arina estate in Kisumu on May 10,2017.

Large land deals in Africa with foreign companies have come under renewed scrutiny after an Indian firm, Karuturi Global, demanded compensation for the cancellation of its lease of farm land in Eth
