India’s financial sector has faced many challenges in recent decades, with a large, negative, and persistent credit to GDP gap since 2012.

This report analyses potential links between global finance to small-scale clean energy projects in developing countries.

Climate change litigation continues to grow in importance year-on-year as a way of either advancing or delaying effective action on climate change. In 2022, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recognised the role of litigation in affecting “the outcome and ambition of climate governance”.

The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred financial inclusion – driving a large increase in digital payments amid the global expansion of formal financial services.

This paper provides a review of approaches to delivering locally led adaptation. Drawing on examples from Africa, the Asia-Pacific region, and the Caribbean and Latin America, it provides practical recommendations for financing and implementing locally led adaptation.

Investment in urban climate projects is urgently needed worldwide. Cities hold most of the global population and economic activity and contribute approximately three-quarters of the global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, underlining the urgent need for projects to reduce emissions in urban areas and increase climate resilience.

Determining climate finance needs in developing economies is critical to identify financing gaps and opportunities to guide stakeholders to effectively access, allocate and mobilize climate finance.

Developed countries have committed to providing and mobilising $100 billion of climate finance each year between 2020 and 2025. However, they fell short of this target in 2020 and 2021, and look likely to do so again in 2022.

Two years might not be enough to have a full understanding of all that took place due to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic since 2020, especially as the pandemic is still not over.

Africa’s climate resilience can be strengthened by redefining its economic model to leverage natural capital and designing financial systems to redirect critical nature-based investments.
