Developed countries committed US$100 billion to climate finance by 2020, but fell short of their target, which was then extended to 2025. The financing gap is much wider for developing countries to achieve their climate goals.

China holds a critical and outsized role in helping the global community achieve the targets of the Paris Agreement and preserving the planet’s biosphere. At the same time, China’s available financing mechanisms and its financial system remain somewhat distinct.

Question raised in Rajya Sabha on disaster risk financing, 20/07/2022. The disaster risk financing mechanism is based on the recommendations of the successive Finance Commissions.

Achieving climate-resilient economies and societies will not only require increasing the billions of financial flows for adaptation, but also shifting broader -- public and private -- financial flows and investment away from potentially mal-adapted activities towards those that contribute to climate-resilient economies and societies.

African countries must diversify their exports to survive economic shocks from global crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, says the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

Sharp and rapid reductions in methane emissions this decade are essential to limiting global warming to 1.5°C. While carbon dioxide has a longer lasting effect, methane has 80 times the warming power of CO2 in the first 20 years after emissions reach the atmosphere, meaning methane is setting the pace for near-term global warming.

The study aims to close a research gap by examining international climate finance’s capacity in mobilising adaptation finance from the private sector in developing countries.

This study looks at the status of the climate tech startup finance ecosystem in India, highlights opportunities and challenges and presents potential solutions to accelerate climate tech finance in the country.

This paper presents a detailed overview of the nature of loss and damage risks affecting low-income countries, marginalised groups and people living in poverty in the global South, and how they might be addressed.

Billions of people in Asia and the Pacific depend on healthy oceans for their livelihoods, food security, health, and recreation.
